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What is an Indica

Cannabis plants were first identified in the late 18th century and are believed to have originated in the Hindu Kush mountains. Indica strains gained popularity in Europe and the United States after several popular strains were shipped from countries such as Pakistan and Afghanistan. Indica cannabis plants tend to be shorter, bushier, and have much wider leaves than their sativa counterparts. These plants produce fuller, denser and darker buds.Their taste and aroma is generally fruity and reminiscent of berries. Additionally, Indica generally has higher THC levels than CBD, while Sativa generally contains more CBD. Therefore, Indica is often said to have a stronger psychoactive effect. Some of the most popular indica strains on the market today include Death Bubba, Pink Kush, and Purple Space Cookies.

Positive effects of the Indica

First, it is important to note that cannabis affects each person differently. Your opinion about cannabis depends on many individual factors. These include factors such as age, weight and previous tolerance to cannabis. If you are new to cannabis or have no experience, it is important to start with small doses and increase gradually. Although the specific type of effect varies from strain to strain, indica strains generally have a very relaxing effect that largely remains in the body. This is because indica strains increase levels of a chemical called dopamine in the brain. 

Dopamine is responsible for monitoring the pleasure and reward centers. It also affects movement, which is why indica strains tend to have such pronounced physical effects. Other notable effects include reduced pain, muscle relaxation, increased appetite and a feeling of euphoria. They are also known to induce sleepiness, making them ideal for consumption before bed or in the early evening hours. 

Medicinal Benefits of Indica

Due to its narcotic effects, medical marijuana patients often use high indica marijuana to treat stress, nausea, and pain. Other medical uses include the treatment of nausea and loss of appetite, as well as many other conditions. Indica is also the most effective class of cannabis for treating insomnia. Studies have also shown they can be an effective treatment for serious illnesses such as lupus and multiple sclerosis.

Types of Indica Weed

There are many different varieties of indica weed. However, most have a small proportion of sativa genetics from crosses, as it is rare for them to be fully indica strains.Due to the variety of varieties available in the industry, it is also common for breeders to have given the same variety different names.

Indica vs Sativa

Indica vs. Sativa, the age-old question. Sativa plants tend to grow longer, contain less CBD, and produce a more stimulating effect on the brain. The effects of sativa strains are ideal for daytime or afternoon sessions as they tend to offer users more energy and an increase in happiness and overall mood. This is because sativa strains affect chemicals in the brain other than dopamine, which is the main target of indica strains. Indica plants tend to be shorter and bushier, have denser buds, and the aroma is generally stronger and more penetrating. 

Additionally, there are hundreds of hybrid varieties available. Hybrid strains combine indica and sativa strains to create a plant with a combination of effects. The performance of these varieties can vary depending on the mother plants used. Hybrids can be indica dominant, sativa dominant, or equally balanced. Hybrids generally have the pronounced physical effects associated with indicas, but can be less psychoactive and sedative.

How to Grow Indica Marijuana Plants

As the cannabis industry continues to grow, growing your own marijuana is becoming increasingly popular. Growing marijuana is not a very complicated process, nor is it that expensive if you don't want to. However, Indica requires very different growing conditions than Sativa or some hybrid strains. This is because they come from different regions with very different climates. Luckily, it's easy to grow high-quality strains in the comfort of your own home if you do enough research. 

Indica is relatively more difficult to grow than sativa or hybrids, which is why most beginner growers opt for an indica-dominant hybrid instead of a pure indica. Indica hybrids are less susceptible to disease, pests and blight, meaning there is a higher chance of a successful harvest. It is also important to use the right nutrients, light and growing medium, and proper drying and curing techniques. Concentrates and edibles are much more potent than unrefined flower, with some concentrates containing up to four times more THC. It is important to know the potency level of an indica product before consuming it to avoid unwanted sensations and effects.

How do you take indica weed

By far the most popular method is smoking in a joint. You can also use bongs, pipes, vaporizers, and dab kits. Additionally, many people process marijuana into concentrates and edibles, just like other cannabis products intended for THC consumption. Extracts and edibles are much more potent than unrefined flower, with some concentrates containing up to four times more THC.It is important to know the potency level of an indica product before consuming it to avoid unwanted sensations and effects.

How do I store indica weed

Proper storage of marijuana is extremely important as it helps preserve the original aroma, taste and effects of the strain. Marijuana is best stored in a cool, dark place in an airtight container. It is always the best choice to extend the shelf life. If you do this correctly, you should be able to store your marijuana for between six months and a year; After this time, the THC percentage is increasingly lost. If you are storing multiple varieties, it is important to store them separately to preserve the unique scent and taste of each variety.Keep out of the reach of children and pets. 

Side effects of Indica Strains

Although cannabis is one of the least harmful medications on the market, that doesn't mean you are safe from unwanted side effects. Across all cannabis strains, red eyes and dry mouth are the two most common short-term side effects. Cannabis can also temporarily impair the ability to form short-term memories. Due to their narcotic effects and effects on the body, indica strains can sometimes cause excessive sleepiness, sluggishness, dizziness, paranoia, and/or nausea.If you consume cannabis for a long time, you may experience various side effects. 

The most common long-term effect is chronic cough or other breathing difficulties, but this only occurs when marijuana smoke is inhaled frequently. If you decide to stop using cannabis after frequent use, you may experience cannabis withdrawal symptoms. These include mood swings, loss of appetite, insomnia, headaches, etc. Proper and responsible consumption of cannabis helps reduce the risk of unpleasant side effects.

Why buy weed online at King Tut’s Cannabis

At King Tut’s Cannabis we buy our marijuana from licensed growers who know their craft. This means only working with producers who use ethical and sustainable farming methods. All of our herbs are organic and free from harmful pesticides and GMOs. King Tut’s Cannabis also only sells weed that has been approved by a qualified independent laboratory. We strive to be the best online pharmacy in Canada and offer a wide range of cannabis products to make it easy for our customers to buy cannabis online anywhere in Canada.