
Why Canada is the Best Place to Be for Cannabis Enthusiasts

The world is slowly picking up pace in its move to decriminalize and legalize cannabis, with governments all over the globe almost racing to get their fingers into the cannabis-infused pie. For many years, Amsterdam was famous for its hospitality and its extensive range in flavours and variation. But as more people become educated in cannabis, the endocannabinoid system, and the therapeutic benefits to the plant which has for so long been prohibited, the Amsterdam way of running things has become a little seedy… A bit of a gimmick, perhaps. And that’s a shame by all accounts, because for so long it was the standing bastion of freedom for cannabis enthusiasts everywhere. The rise of the American model, with its branded wrappers and collectible tubs, has seen a new market in cannabis consumption, and one which takes account of fashion and trend – possibly for the first time to such an extent. But the United States is a confusing mess of legislation regarding the plant, and whilst in some states we see governments redacting criminal charges against past offenders, in others we see moves for more (often pharmaceutical industry-led) false propaganda refuting its therapeutic benefits. The Spanish government appears to refuse to accept the success of the Catalan decriminalization movement because it would mean giving credence to the separatists and their liberal approach to legislation, and South Africa have legalized, but continue to restrict sales. It seems that Canada is left to hold the fort – and it seems to be managing fine.

You don’t have to be ill to enjoy cannabis in Canada

Recreational use has also been legalized, as well as medicinal and therapeutic use, meaning that there is nothing stopping you from being able to enjoy your consumption of cannabis in peace. There are still regulations of course, in some precincts you can’t smoke in public for example, but once the act takes into account edibles, extracts and topical in October this year, you will no longer be prosecuted for personal production or possession. Canada the only country in the world to have legalized cannabis to such an extent – other countries such as South Africa, Uruguay and Georgia have legalized too, but with restrictions on sale and other aspects. Of course, many countries have decriminalized instead of legalized, and it remains to be seen how the two approaches differ in results for users, and governments.

There’s Canadian money going into cannabis research

The University of British Columbia has appointed a Professor of Cannabis, the money for the post coming from donations which largely comprise of the cannabis producer Canopy Growth, and the British Columbian government. It is hoped that this professorship will inspire and seek out further ground-breaking discoveries about cannabis, the endocannabinoid system, and the many benefits it can bring to the modern world. Already it has been suggested that the role will play a large part in investigating how cannabis can be used to treat opioid addiction, prevent relapse, and reduce the symptoms of withdrawal. Further universities in Canada and across the world will soon begin to offer similar positions, and with this increase in educated investigation will come a wealth of practical information.

You’re not expected to spend more than you would have before Canada legalized

A lot of countries moving to make cannabis more accessible are failing with regard to cost, and it’s not uncommon to be asked to pay excessive amounts for substandard bud in some of the more ‘tourist-trap’ coffee shops in Amsterdam. Even Barcelona prices have increased in recent years, with some associations charging steeply for low quality product. In Canada, the government have kept prices low in the physical dispensaries in an attempt to fight the black market, and if you order online by mail order then prices can be even lower.

If you DO want to spend, there’s the Canadian Cannabis Luxury option

The immense scenery of the Canadian landscape literally begs you to sit down and soak it up with a fat joint – and the tourist industry knows it. As legalisation sweeps the country, businesses are beginning to offer luxurious hiking getaways, with the consumables included in the price, and people are travelling from all over the world to experience Canada through their cannabis goggles. Restaurants, too, have not missed the trick, and gourmet cannabis infused meals are becoming more readily available, for the real connoisseurs and enthusiasts.

The age limit is lower in Canada than in some other countries

Alberta and Quebec allow you to consume from the age of 18, whilst the rest of Canada sets the limit at 19 years old. Whilst this is older than most European countries that allow for cannabis consumption, it is two years younger than the legal age to consume in California. This is one of the many reasons than lots of young Americans are trying to move to Canada right now. There are still laws in place to prevent the supply of cannabis to minors, and Alberta is expected to raise its age to be in line with the rest of Canada later this year.

Canada lets you get mail-order cannabis deliveries

When the dispensaries opened, it emerged that the black market had found an answer to legalisation, and had moved onto the internet. As a result, the Canadian government are now setting up and building their own mail order services, to compete with that black market. One of the benefits of legalization as a process is that it means people can do this – although some online stores are facing trouble due to lack of licensing (which is still requires, as per the Cannabis Act). Mail order cannabis outlets tend to have a lot more variety in flower than physical dispensaries, and they’ll usually offer you bulk discounts too. Many say the prices are lower online, and for some it seals the deal to be able to legally purchase and enjoy cannabis without even having to leave the house.

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