

Although Canada is now recognized as #promarijuana, getting your green for recreational purposes can still prove difficult for some. One very popular question asked by those seeking to purchase Canadian Cannabis is “how much should it cost?”. Because the purchasing of marijuana is only available medicinally at the moment, many sales are handled secretively via the “Black Market”. Since this market has no formal rules or regulations to assure that you will get a fair price, it means that there is a chance that you could be swindled.


Many of us buy weed online nowadays. With online cannabis retailers offering all kinds of products to consumers at the click of a button, there really is no need to get up off the couch #stonersparadise

But there are a number of factors to consider when purchasing marijuana in this way, as some sites can be quite expensive, and others cost very little. There are also other factors to be aware of, not just the prices.

Let’s look at two major aspects to consider if you are buying weed online.


Obviously, the quality of the weed you buy will make a substantial difference in price. Those that are new to smoking cannabis are at a greater risk of paying top dollar for sub-par pot, while, those with more experience will be better able to spot the good from the bad. Generally, marijuana that includes no stems or seeds, is well trimmed and is aromatic, would be considered high-quality.

But when it comes to cannabis, there is more to it then ‘high’ and ‘low’ quality, it also depends on how you prefer to feel. Understanding the different strains and components in marijuana, and how they affect you, the more likely you are to find a product that is worth more to you.


Just like everything in life, it’s who you know, and it’s no different when it comes to weed. The price you pay for weed depends on who you or who your friends know. Not to mention, you may find the experience more reliable than if you are purchasing weed from a stranger. In the weed biz, it is not uncommon to be charged additional fees on top of the actual price of the product. It is also common to be “shorted”. If you want to pay a fair price, you will need to know how much you’re actually getting. I highly recommend picking up a digital scale, like this one here… (Go ahead, check our weight!)
For these reasons, you should really do some research before buying weed online. Take a look at reviews posted on reputable online forums and do your pricing mathematics (Bud + shipping + free samples = how much per gram??).

There are many other factors that will determine the cost of your bud.  What do you look for before shelling out your green for some green? Do you like professional, creative packaging? Is it availability? Do you prefer storefront dispensaries, so that you can put your eyes (and nose) on the prize before your purchase? Let us know your thoughts and tag us on our social media @kingtutscanna or in the comments section below.

Stay High Weedfam!

11 Responses

  1. I like bang for buck, I like spending 100/oz lol 99 dollar oz are my jam, unless I have more money and can buy bulk so they are cheaper. I love comparing different sites prices and photos, and looking at reviews on reddit or canadianmom before I try a new site.

  2. I prefer to spend bit more and get a quality product. It usually ends up lasting longer because I have to smoke less to stay feeling medicated.

  3. Used to prefer storefront dispensaries to be able to see and smell the product but you definitely can’t beat mom value. I agree that people should be careful though, and be wary of testimony from shills.

  4. I have been buying from mom’s for over three years. I really appreciate, the selection and also choose the desired effects.

    99$/oz is great but sometimes we deserve a little more.

    Although we cannot smell the products, the pictures and description are pretty accurate. Smell and taste are my big selling points.

  5. very constructive and alot of good info.even tough we cant actually see/smell the products the value for my dollar goes to the moms. i pride on getting quality , reviews and good cs are the keys

  6. im a bang for the buck kinda guy because i smoke joint like cigarette and even when i get better weed i smoke to same amount im just more high. and eventually my tolerance would go up and i wouldnt be higher than i am now then so i stick to cheap bud thats still good for the price. i cant justify buying 250$ of weed weekly so i stick to 100-140

  7. Quality over quantity, id rather have a well grown small batch of weed then a large batch of meh weed for the same price

  8. All about bang for buck. Trying to get into vaping to consume even less, but nothing really beats a backwoods. Buying 99 dollar ozs makes me feel a bit better