
Kale, Ginger, Celery, Hemp Hearts, Cannabis… juice? Really? Yes, really!

This Green Juice Recipe is packed with kale, cucumbers, celery, lemon, ginger, apples, and you guess it – CANNABIS!! Loaded with nutrients, this juice is healthy and delicious!

Despite what most believe, the cannabis plant is more than just something “stoners” smoke to get high. Raw cannabis leaves and buds are jam-packed with non-psychoactive, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer nutrient compounds. Alternatives to smoking marijuana are becoming mainstream due to the rise in knowledge and awareness of the plant and now can be considered the next “superfood” known to prevent and treat many chronic illnesses.

If you are reading this, I’m sure you know that cannabis is one incredible plant. Not only does it provide numerous medicinal benefits, but it is a powerhouse nutritional supplement that nourishes our bodies.


Have you heard about CBD and THC? #duh #obvi – but have you heard of their precursors, THCa and CBDa? These are cannabinoid acids and are the substances from which THC and CBD are derived upon heating. This heating process, decarboxylation, “activates” the raw cannabinoid acids in order to produce psychoactive THC and cannabinoid CBD.
When you consume raw Marijuana, you will not be consuming THC or CBD; instead, you will be consuming the acid forms of these components Cannabidolic Acid (CBD-A) and Tetrahydrocannabonolic Acid (THC-A).
These nutrients help the cells within our bodies interact with our endocannabinoid system – the system responsible for regulating the functions of our bodies, including pain, apatite, and mental states. Furthermore, CBDa and THCa contain greater anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, and anti-ischemic properties than their fired-up kids, THC, and CBD.


Not only does raw cannabis provide anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, and anti-ischemic properties, it is one powerful antioxidant. “Antioxidants” is one of those buzzwords that gets thrown around a lot, even though we’re sure most don’t fully grasp what it means. We have heard that foods full of antioxidants are good for us, and we should buy skincare with antioxidants to ward off signs of aging. We are told we need antioxidants, say “yes” to antioxidants. But, why? Simply put, antioxidants are compounds found in food that stop or delay damage to the cells. #foreveryoung. Research shows that CBD is a more powerful antioxidant than both vitamin C and vitamin E.

*PROTIP* Invest in CBD beauty products now!


Just as our green-leaf big-wigs (kale and spinach), raw cannabis leaves are stuffed with essential nutrients for optimal health. They have notable amounts of folate, iron, calcium, vitamin C, and vitamin K. These key nutrients that are vital for:
repairing DNA
moving oxygen through the blood
strengthening bones
boosting the immune system
calcium absorption
protection against cancer


KEEP IT FRESH – Unfortunately, cannabis leaves lose most of their nutritional and medical benefits through drying and/or curing, so remember, the fresher the better.

KEEP AWAY FROM HEAT – Heating cannabis leads to decarboxylation and will turn THC-A into THC. You may like the sound of this but remember, the same amount of raw cannabis able to provide 500-1000mg of THC-A only produces about 10mg of THC when heated. Save the THC for your bong.

GET ENOUGH IN – Juice 15 leaves, and 2 large (2 to 4 inches long) raw buds per day. Note – raw buds are flowers harvested when the THC glands are clear rather than amber.

KEEP IT INTERESTING – With juicing the possibilities are endless! Experiment with Sweeter vegetables or fruit/berries to dilute the bitter taste of the raw cannabis. Our vote is for strawberry with a dash of blue.

DON’T BE A COCO-NUT – okay, actually be one. Consume with a fat such as coconut oil or manna to increase absorption (USE CODE RAW-10)



1 bunch curly kale roughly chopped.
1 large lemon peeled and quartered.
1 inch ginger peeled.
1 large cucumber cut into long strips.
2 large granny smith apples cored and sliced.
4 whole celery stalk
30 g raw cannabis leaves/buds
2 Tbl honey.
1 cup sweet fruit/berry (banana if you like it thick – p.s. thick is trendy in case you didn’t already know)


Wash and prep.
Put veggie/fruit/cannabis leaves in juicer.
Optional – strain through a sieve (if you don’t like pulp)
Drink immediately and enjoy!

Do you like juicing cannabis? What’s your favorite fruit/veggie/green combo? Show us the yummy! Tag your juice @kingtutcanna


15 Responses

  1. huh I make smoothies daily but never considered that. I don’t have undried/uncured buds to do such with but we do plan to start growing soon so this is definitely something to keep in mind for when we’re growing and have access to fresh buds! Great article!

  2. I’ve never juiced buds before but have put leaves through a wheat grass juicer.
    Will be trying out juicing a few fresh popcorn buds on the next harvest

  3. I would LOVE to try fresh juiced cannabis buds for that flavour. Sounds delicious, but of course the big colas should be saved for drying and curing 😉

  4. Lol 30g of cannabis bud ? No way , i’ll rather vape that ! Too bad, can’t get any fresh leaves , would love to try this recipe.

  5. While it may require heavier amounts to do this process properly, it is something that I would love to try in the future. I’m always making smoothies with some decarbed herb from vaping, but I never really considered the raw cannabis possibilities. Thanks for posting!

  6. 30g of buds sounds like a waste, but it would definitely be cool to try this with leaves! Sounds healthy and delicious.

  7. Wow…. I’ve never even heard of juicing raw Cannabis. Seems like a lot of bud to use in a drink, but if you are in surplus and benefits are true it seems like a great idea! I’d love to see a ready made non-psycho active drink myself.

  8. Now this is something I’ve never thought about before. Wow congrats tut, you actually learned me a lesson this morning!