

Other than a goofy grin, red eyes are one of the few reliable physical indicators that suggest a person has smoked cannabis.
So what exactly is it that causes your smoke session to be written all over your eyes? And, is there anything you can do to avoid telling the whole world you just smoked a spliff?

First, let’s take a look at three reasons why marijuana causes red eyes.


When someone smokes, swallows or vapes cannabis, the blood vessels in the eye can become enlarged. This process is known as vasodilation. When the blood vessels are expanded, they are more obvious, giving the eyes a red appearance. What makes the vessels become enlarged?


The famous main ingredient of cannabis itself!
Cannabis contains 100+ cannabinoids other than just THC. Most of these do not contribute to the red-eye phenomenon, but it is the THC that is the primary cause of red eyes.

This explains the varying degree of ‘blood-shot’ intensity. A smoker may consume a low THC strain one day and experience no or little redness, while the next day they could smoke a high THC strain, and find themselves capable of leading Santa’s sleigh.
Additionally, this would explain why you may experience red eyes even with a lack of smoke, such as when eating #gummies and #brownies and #tea – #ohmy  It’s not the smoke that makes your eyes red, but the cannabinoids. That being said, it is possible to have an allergic reaction or irritation to smoke in general, be it cannabis, tobacco, or perhaps even incense – for those of you into such practices.


For a small percentage of cannabis users, red eyes can be an actual allergy. Marijuana, like all plants, produces chemicals that can produce a negative impact on the immune system. However, these symptoms will often be accompanied by other ones such as itchiness, hives, dry skin, runny nose, nasal congestion, or a sore throat.


Even though it’s clear that the red eye is harmless, perhaps even beneficial (more on that later), it doesn’t mean its the desired reaction. Unfortunately, the stigma associated with cannabis use may take us a few more years to get over. So, in the meantime, here are a few simple things you can do to mitigate redness during or after smoking.


As a general rule of thumb, if you’re completely bouldered (in this case you’re probably not getting off the couch anyway #putthebongdown), then red eyes will only last a couple of hours. You could always just wait. The alternative would be to have eye drops on hand, especially brands specially formulated to reduce eye redness that are sold in pharmacies. These drops not only lubricate the eye but contain chemicals like potassium chloride and tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride that will cause the expanded blood vessels in the eye to become smaller and less noticeable.


Strains high in CBD may be a desirable alternative for those looking to lessen red eyes. Since CBD does not contribute to vasodilation, the vasodilating effects of THC tend to be reduced in high CBD strains.


More water = less dry. Increasing your fluid intake may help alleviate the dryness you experience. This applies to but is not limited to, your eyes.


Have you noticed that red eyes are less common in those smoke on the daily? This is because these devoted individuals have built up a tolerance to the vasodilating effects of THC through repeated use (let’s all just bow our heads and slow clap here.).

While this may not be practical or even feasible for most of us, it is one way to soften the visible eye sore. Having the ability to build up a tolerance to the vasodilating effects of THC through repeated use gives a whole new meaning to ‘smoke weed every day.’ Don’t worry we got you covered – keep your honey pot full with our selections of indica/sativa/hybrid/extractsand don’t forget the edibles!

How do you deal with having red eyes? Let us know your thoughts and tag us on our social media (@kingtutscanna) or in the comments section below.

Stay High Weedfam!

9 Responses

  1. I don’t think I get red eyes anymore, I think like you said it’s cause I smoke every day ahaha. If I get really high my eyebrows get a mind of their own and one goes way up and the other way down and I can’t make em stop!

  2. I definitely notice the tolerance making a difference. My eyes rarely get red anymore but when I get that super Aaaa I’m just like a newby.

  3. I remember being so concerned about red eyes and using visine to cover it up during my younger days. Nowadays not so much as I don’t feel the need to hide. Hopefully the social stigma around weed will continue to dissipate!

  4. I notice some weed gives me horrible itchy eyes, sometimes i wonder if thats some type of nasty pesticides becuase good quality weed never makes my eyes itch, just the meh stuff

  5. I can’t do visine … just can’t put stuff in my eyes. Same reason I wear glasses… I have “allergies”

  6. Daily smoker here but still have to say 30minutes – 1 hour after smoking my eyes will be noticeably glossy. Other than eye drops I have to say a lukewarm or cold shower as well as citrus juice, high sugar anything and water really takes down the red eye IME.