

Can we really profile a personality based on the way you some your Marijuana? No,  we can’t. But because it’s Sunday, #sundayfunday, we dug up some non-expert psychological research on what your smoking preferences might reveal about your personality.


You have a type A personality and have most likely been practicing that perfect roll since 1977, even if your 21. As a ‘seasoned’ smoker you prefer quality over quantity, and this has nothing to do with your control issues. You have control issues, however you are not adverse to sharing #passthedutchie, so this makes up for your perfectionism.  Want a perfect pre-roll?, save yourself time and mess and get your pre-rolls here.


You have been known to buy budget weed, and you’re 100% okay with that. You smoke regularly (especially before gaming or watching south park – if your single) and have a slight tendency to overuse the hashtag #smokeweedeveryday. You do just enough to get by in life and rely heavily on your parents and the local food delivery service. If you are married with children, you secretly get stoned in the garage with your neighbours so you can feel like a badass. You are not a badass. You are basic, nothing extra here, unless your pipe is glass with colourful swirls or polka-dots; then you are superior and a vegan.  Don’t feel like buying a new pipe? You don’t have to! get one free here.*


The catchphrase “no one can tell if your high, if you’re always high” is displayed on a letter board in your living room, unless your mom is visiting, then it is in your room, beside your bong. You had a brief ‘barefoot’ phase in college and may or may not have a dream catcher hung above your bed. You never told anyone about the time you tried to make a DIY gravity bong after watching Seth Rogan do it on YouTube, so you could get really really high. But you ended up to wet and burnt your bangs.


You have started using anti-aging wrinkle creams and no longer can ignore health related worries. You are most likely a professional and don’t like to think about tax brackets come tax time #heavysigh. Vaporizer smokers are into technological advancements and would be considered practical in nature. Those who don’t know how much weed you smoke would label you as ‘having your shit together.’


The term ‘intermediary’ or ‘intermediate’ level smoker (if there was one) would not apply to you. You are an advanced pot smoker who would much rather consume a fresh batch of brownies then go see a the threequil of Anchorman (unless there is a cameo appearance by Jeff Spicoli), then you do both. You tend to be the happy-go-lucky type and are always warmly welcomed to social get-togethers due to your anti-diet philosophy. Secretly you want to star on the next episode of Martha and Snoops potluck dinner party, and regret not coming up with the ‘bakers gonna bake’ hashtag sooner.

Did we miss your favoured pot smoking method? Add them in the comments or tag us on social media @kingtutscanna



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