
CBD aka Cannabidiol and THC aka delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol are the two natural compounds present in cannabis plants. CBD can be extracted from both cannabis and hemp plants. Hemp plants are the ones containing less than 0.3% of THC while cannabis or marijuana plants come with a higher THC concentration. Both have very different effects and both have their own unique benefits.

The chemical structure of CBD & THC

THC and CBD have an exactly similar molecular structures with 2 oxygen atoms, 21 carbon atoms and 30 hydrogen atoms. However, a very slight difference in the arrangement of these atoms is responsible for the different effects they produce on the human body.THC gets you high but CBD doesn’t

The slight variation in the atomic arrangement is what causes THC to produce a cerebral or psychoactive effect and CBD to have anti inflammatory effects. As a result, CBD is generally associated with ingestion for medical reasons whereas THC is more associated with recreational use. Incidentally, marijuana users report less paranoia and anxiety on using strains with both CBD and THC as opposed to weed strains containing only THC. Users who get anxious after a smoke should try smoking strains with a balanced ratio of THC and CBD.

CBD in medical marijuana

Cannabidiol offers proven health benefits for numerous ailments and health conditions. The use of CBD oil is absolutely safe and is not known to lead to addiction or tolerance. Till date, CBD has been reported to be beneficial for the following problems

– Inflammation and chronic pain: Patients of arthritis and fibromyalgia have cited pain alleviation after the use of CBD oil. The use of CBD is approved in Canada for treating pain related to multiple sclerosis and cancer. It is also reported to offer relief from general body aches while thwarting the possibility of nervous system degeneration.

– Epilepsy: CBD has proven anti-seizure properties and is often used on children suffering from epilepsy.- Depression and anxiety
Although many doctors avoid prescribing marijuana for patients suffering from long term and chronic anxiety, CBD being a non-psychoactive compound can be used to treat stress and anxiety-related problems such as panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and even substance abuse disorder. CBD enhances both the glutamate cortical and serotonergic signaling thereby reducing depressive tendencies.

– Heart diseases: Although a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle is a top priority for heart patients, the use of CBD oil is also known to help in various cases. According to a 2017 research published in JCI Insight, CBD can help to reduce artery blockage, stress-related cardiovascular response, cholesterol and blood pressure. Moreover, it lowers stress and inflammation both of which are responsible for heart ailments.

– Type 1 diabetes: CBD can help combat and lower inflammation which hinders the onset of Type 1 diabetes.

– Schizophrenia and psychosis: While pharmaceutical drugs for schizophrenia come with lots of complicated side effects, CBD oil can be really helpful in dealing with hallucinations without any side effects. The psychoactive compound THC can induce psychosis and hallucination in some patients but CBD oil only does the opposite.

– Cancer: As we all know, CBD oil has proven benefits for treating pain associated with cancer and chemotherapy but its role in treating cancer is still lacking in data. However, a study published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology indicates that CBD can help to prevent the growth and spread of cancer cells.

THC and its use in medical marijuana

Before enumerating the uses of THC in medical cannabis, it’s better to start with a few words about this much talked about natural compound. It is the primary psychoactive component of plants of the cannabis genus which is responsible for the much loved ‘high’ associated with pot smoking. THC produces a host of effects on the human body including a relaxed sensation, altered sense of smell, sight and hearing, increased hunger, reduced fatigue and reduced aggression. To quote Jacob Miguel Vigil, associate professor in the Department of Psychology of University of New Mexico, “Despite the conventional wisdom…that only CBD has medical benefits while THC merely makes one high, our results suggest that THC may be more important than CBD in generating therapeutic benefits,”. Recent researches suggest that THC can be helpful for treating the following ailments and conditions:

– Reduces the side effects of chemotherapy: delayed nausea and vomiting, the two painful side effects which surface after the completion of the chemotherapy, are two challenging issues for cancer patients. Cannabis consumption is known to boost appetite and reduce nausea considerably.

– Spasms in patients of multiple sclerosis: THC has a healing effect on pain associated with spasticity and muscle stiffness and neuropathic pain in patients of multiple sclerosis. Research is still being conducted on the effects of a combination of THC and CBD on patients of multiple sclerosis.

– Helps to quit heroin: Opiate addicts are often advised to switch to weed instead of going cold turkey. Scientists of Columbia University conducted an experiment on patients undergoing therapy for heroin addiction and concluded that patients smoking cannabis were feeling less anxious, sleeping for long hours and were, therefore, more likely to pull through the entire treatment.

– Treats HIV related conditions: It’s been decades that people with HIV have realized the benefits of cannabis consumption for treating various related conditions like decreased appetite, nausea, weight loss, depression, and neuropathic pain. Additionally THC containing medical cannabis is also being used to slow the progression of HIV.

If you are looking forward to going for an alternative treatment for any of the conditions discussed above then we recommend a visit to your nearest cannabis doctor. Once you’ve identified the right treatment for your condition, all you need to do is walk into your nearest Canadian weed store with a prescription and your budtender will take care of the rest.

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