

The use of Cannabis to help alleviate health conditions continues to gain momentum in Canada. With legalization now here, the number of users (medical and otherwise) are expected to grow exponentially over the next decade. For those who are new to cannabis and the potential benefits of consumption, the amount of information now available via the world wide web can become overwhelming and confusing. One of the most often asked questions relating to Cannabis use pertains to the cannabinoids THC and CBD – what are they, how do they work, and why are they different from each other?


Cannabis contains 100+ chemical compounds known as cannabinoids. These compounds act on the cannabinoid receptors found throughout the body and within the endocannabinoid system – the system responsible for the physical and psychological effects of cannabis. As with all the systems in the human body, when the endocannabinoid system is not working efficiently, physical ailments and illnesses can occur.

Not only are Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) the two most abundant compounds, they are also the most well-known #marijuanasuperstars. Both THC and CBD provide relief from symptoms by mimicking your natural endocannabinoids some strains less and some more.

Although many prefer the effects of one compound over the other, both are very useful and have very specific uses, most notably in the medical domain.


THC stands for Tetrahydrocannabinol and is the primary reason you get high, the main culprit for marijuana’s illegal status and from our perspective the King chemical of the cannabis plant!

THC is the psychoactive component in the cannabis plant that activates pathways known as cannabinoid receptors found through the body. The first type of cannabinoid receptor (CB1) are largely found in the brain, whereas the cannabinoid receptors (CB2) are found on all kinds of cells throughout the body. When THC attaches to a CB1 receptor, it will alter how a brain cell functions, creating the euphoric high you feel. Due to it’s psychoactive effects THC has been less accepted for medicinal use than it’s counterpart CBD, however it still boasts its own beneficial uses. THC provides relief to a wide variety of ailments and symptoms, such as chronic pain, increasing appetite & reducing nausea.

But if you’ve never used marijuana before, the idea of getting high (even for medicinal purposes) can be a little overwhelming.

Don’t worry – You can take advantage of another cannabinoid frontrunner without having to worry that it will get you “stoned” or “high. #CBD


CBD stands for Cannabidiol. It is the other most prominent cannabinoid and becoming more and more popular every year as it does not cause psychoactive effects and is arguably superior to THC in its ability to treat a variety of medical conditions. Unlike the CB1 receptors that are found mainly in the brain and play a significant role in memory, sleep, mood, appetite, pain sensation; CB2 receptors are typically found in the immune system and are responsible for the anti-inflammatory effects of cannabis. While THC directly affects both CB1 and CB2, CBD acts indirectly and raises the level of endocannabinoids in your body providing relief from inflammation, pain, anxiety, psychosis, seizures, spasms, and other conditions – without the unsettling feelings you may experience with THC.


The most notable difference between CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) are the psychoactive effects. THC has psychoactive components that will induce a euphoric high, whereas CBD has non-psychoactive results.

Heres a quick and basic overview of the effects and benefits of the two cannabinoids:


Used equally for recreational and medical purposes
Induces euphoria
Increases appetite
Relaxes the body but provide a cerebral high
Activates CB receptors
Relieves pain


Mainly used for medical purposes
Induces cellular homeostasis
Curbs appetite
Reduces anxiety and negative side effects of THC
Activates vanilloid, adenosine and serotonin receptors

CBD and THC clearly work differently, however they are most effective when combined #teamwork. That being said, those new to consuming cannabis should start with lower to moderate doses – basically, don’t smoke five joints with a dab chaser and you will be fine.


9 Responses

  1. CBD really helps my anxiety, and my mom’s back pain. I’ve always been incredibly socially anxious, ‘shy’ but to a crippling extreme, like I couldn’t talk to people! CBD relaxes me so much I become social, it’s amazing.

  2. I’m definitely forwarding this article to anyone who asks me in the future what the differences are between CBD and THC. I personally find THC more effective for my personal medical reasons.

  3. Since cannabis has been bred largely towards high THC content I don’t have much experience with strains high in CBD. The couple times I’ve tried have been positive experiences though and I am eager to explore its therapeutic effects more.

  4. Whats interesting to is the other 100+ cannaibnoids that haven’t been studied. so much mystery to this plant

  5. I love Cbd for pre exams. For everything else, thc. In my topicals, I like both present.