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What is Trim and how to use it

Cannabis Trim is the excess plant material that is removed from cannabis plants during the harvesting process. These include resinous leaves, bud pieces and fallen trichomes (kief). The leaves should be dried in the same way as the shoots to reduce humidity. Although not as potent as bud, it still contains trichomes and its roughness can be masked by processing into hashish or edibles. It is also commonly used in joints.

Why Buy Trim

It numerous benefits. This is a great way to consume all of the plant material while maintaining its potency. It is often cheaper than purchasing regular cannabis flower, and when used to make hashish or edibles, it can be just as effective as regular marijuana.

What to do with Cannabis Trim

If you're looking for recipes that use trim, here are a few to get you started:

As you can see, Trim can be done in a variety of ways and is effective in reducing waste. In addition, the potency is equivalent to that of regular marijuana used to make hashish or edibles. So if you want to try cooking with cut hemp leaves, consider some of the recipes listed above.

Things to Consider When Pruning Cannabis

Pruning your cannabis is a great way to get the most out of your plants while saving money. It is generally cheaper than purchasing regular cannabis flower and can be just as effective when making hash or edibles.

Best place to buy Trim online in Canada

The best place to buy Trim online in Canada is King Tut’s Cannabis. We offer the best deals in Canada on the most popular and affordable Trim on the market. Order now and get 15% off if it's your first order, receive gifts, earn rewards and more! Come experience smooth, flavorful and potent Trim. Have you tried any? If so, please share your experience with our community by leaving a product review.